Devil Dog: Hound of Hell

Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell is a very silly film with a very good doggie in it. It’s quite schlock made-for-TV horrorish with atrocious special effects and mostly low-key acting and production, apart from some scenes ostensibly in Ecuador (complete with bowler-hatted people).

There isn’t much surprise to the plot, and the acting (of the dogs) is pretty bad.

I enjoyed it.

It gets minus points for the old “woman possessed by the devil becomes sex-mad because sex is evil” trope. And minus a squillion points for equating my Barghest with Christian mystical junk, but that was a given; said so right in the title.

The DVD has won a place in my hellmutts library, along with Zoltan, Hound of Dracula. (Which was even worse.)

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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