Category Archives: computers
So, don't use iThemes Security aka Better WP Security.
If you do use it, I recommend against activating any of the file- or folder-renaming functions. Pretty sure those are what screwed me up… Continue reading
Mac tips: How to change your default editor; make MacOS always use LibreOffice, TextMate, Notepad++ etc to edit documents or code
Open the context menu (right-click) on the file and choose "Get Info". You're looking for the options with the heading "Open with:". Choose your preferred editor from the list and then hit "Change All…" to apply this to all files with this extension. Continue reading
So this is, um, Mayflower the (real) Shetland pony using her ultimate attack. Continue reading
Godmoders and Fun (feat. back-and-forth with David from @OngoingWorlds)
Of course you can be a good writer and also have the powergaming flaw, just like you can be a nice person but incredibly obnoxious in company. Continue reading
Get Lamp: a documentary about text adventure games. Which are cool, as I will now declare. Continue reading
Mythology Engine: a data-driven site all about stories.
I've been eager for more news about this proof-of-concept project, now called the Mythology Engine, because I'm enchanted by the idea behind it. Continue reading
Are you playing Smokescreen?
Here's an example of online storytelling that is wonderful (and has a powerful message or three). Continue reading
A Christmas picture: kitty / new WordPress release
I'm still getting used to the new admin interface in WP 2.7. Also, picture of kitten. Continue reading
Blank hCard templates
I've found myself referring to my own posts on this, so I'm making this post with blank forms that I can copy and paste at work. Continue reading
Yet more fun with hCard microformats
When someone's email address contains their organisation's full name, it'd be churlish to refuse the opportunity. Continue reading
More fun with microformats
An hCard microformat worked example Continue reading
A boss from James Pond 3: Kentucky Fried Fiend
It's a hen, laying eggs that hatch into explosive chicks. Continue reading
Change your name by deed poll for free
A site lets you change your name (by UK law) by printing out the necessary legal wording yourself. Continue reading
Mews word cloud!
I put my book Mews into a word-cloud generator. Continue reading