Category Archives: Profusion
*blows dust out of keyboard*
Its bristled, wet protuberance squirted a puff of foetid air into my ear. Continue reading
Lax morality! Faithless rakes! The continuing adventures of Geek Boy and Waggypants!
In which (three short updates) we see a little glimpse of Young Suitov's values. Wait, he has what now? Continue reading
Not everyone likes the summer… especially not Winter Lords.
"You look ill, Rige." "Really? Where does it show?" asked Lord Suitov of Applestone, who was apparently undecided about whether or not to throw up. Continue reading
A writerly exercise: "How could you get me so damn wrong?"
An important step in making sure you have a rounded character instead of a Mary Sue, or so I've read, is making sure your little puppet is not omniscient, isn't correct about everything and is sometimes pretty failtastic at telling important information from unimportant. Continue reading
Bedtime story
"Oh, all right then. One story." Continue reading
The continuing adventures of Dork Boy and Spaceman Sniff
And, lots of lovely murder! Continue reading
Dork Boy and Spaceman Sniff in their continuing adventures
"And don't try telling me she's suddenly discovered her maternal side, 'cause she hasn't got one." Continue reading
When mage/scholars squabble…
A little background material for Profusion. Continue reading
Brother Mine (pun intended)
A happy little tale about monks and collapsed buildings. Continue reading
And still it continues.
The continuing adventures of Dork Boy and Panty. Continue reading
The king of the stick
Some dark-lords-in-training just can't seem to catch a break. Continue reading
Young Swiffy and canine
Hell yes there's more. Continue reading
More dreadful doggish doings
The hellhound adoption saga continues with Suitov helpfully pointing out all the apparent plot holes so far. Continue reading
And I wrote something.
Another Twine Wars prequel, what I am mostly calling Baine's Resignation. Continue reading
Attempt at a Weft in profile
He is not a kitty. Continue reading
#25, Riddle 4
a headless scarecrow-frame; Continue reading
#24, Riddle 3
Again, a rhyming 'clue' written for a roleplay board. Continue reading