Lax morality! Faithless rakes! The continuing adventures of Geek Boy and Waggypants!

In which (three short updates) we see a little glimpse of Young Suitov’s values. Wait, he has what now?

Suitov was currently standing at the top of the steps, in the early morning light, raking the gravel of the driveway. This was accomplished without touching it physically. When one is fifteen and a new mage, one tends to do things the flashy, inefficient way for the sake of it.

One Dog Night continues. (I really need to find a better name. They’ve been together for, what, a couple of days now, and the story’s continuing for at least another couple.)

N.B. There is an overlap of a sentence at the end of some posts. That’s just to do with where I break off writing. Will be fixed in a final edit.

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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