Author Archives: Herm
About Herm
Worlds Built CheapWoe, betrayal, Dreamies, paste, teeth, Dreamies
These goings-on are very confusing and it was mysterious how well the whole thing went. It's lucky I'm an exceptionally clever cat. Continue reading
In fact, we had to persuade the RSPCA lady to stay around for more than a minute or two after I'd signed the adoption papers. She reassured me that she'd brought everything I needed to take the cat immediately, and that there was no hurry to pay the adoption fee. Continue reading
*blows dust out of keyboard*
Its bristled, wet protuberance squirted a puff of foetid air into my ear. Continue reading
Poem: Dissection
If we just hack our way through the outer meaning. Continue reading
The one word I taught my cat that's more important than her name, and it's probably not what you think
My cat recognises several words thanks to consistent usage: her name, Clawsewitz; "dinner", which means yummy wet food is incoming; "hot", which means keep off the hob; "come"; and so on. But there is one word I deliberately taught her that is more important than every one of the previous, and that's "finished". Continue reading
So, don't use iThemes Security aka Better WP Security.
If you do use it, I recommend against activating any of the file- or folder-renaming functions. Pretty sure those are what screwed me up… Continue reading
Mac tips: How to change your default editor; make MacOS always use LibreOffice, TextMate, Notepad++ etc to edit documents or code
Open the context menu (right-click) on the file and choose "Get Info". You're looking for the options with the heading "Open with:". Choose your preferred editor from the list and then hit "Change All…" to apply this to all files with this extension. Continue reading
Riddles are shiny.
(Reposting this old piece so I can more easily find it. One line tweaked to make it generic.) I found a fragrant pebble; When I smelt it, out he came. He turns quite green with envy If left out in … Continue reading
So this is, um, Mayflower the (real) Shetland pony using her ultimate attack. Continue reading
The BEST new telly format EVER enGENDERED.
It shall be called… Last Trans Standing. Continue reading
Godmoders and Fun (feat. back-and-forth with David from @OngoingWorlds)
Of course you can be a good writer and also have the powergaming flaw, just like you can be a nice person but incredibly obnoxious in company. Continue reading
The Kettle Chronicles: the Black Dog by I. S. Morgan
The Kettle Chronicles: the Black Dog has a hideous cover, which it proceeds to defy by not only not sucking, but also being quite a charming little book. Continue reading
On writing/RP, sexual subtext and pairings.
My Hobby: Wryly smirking at people's obsession with homoromantic subtext, while writing three major male characters who are exceptionally guilty of it. Continue reading
Lax morality! Faithless rakes! The continuing adventures of Geek Boy and Waggypants!
In which (three short updates) we see a little glimpse of Young Suitov's values. Wait, he has what now? Continue reading
Get Lamp: a documentary about text adventure games. Which are cool, as I will now declare. Continue reading
Not everyone likes the summer… especially not Winter Lords.
"You look ill, Rige." "Really? Where does it show?" asked Lord Suitov of Applestone, who was apparently undecided about whether or not to throw up. Continue reading
Sensible advice on introducing pets.
This is actually quite straightforward to accomplish, and you can get the general gist from my abstract paragraph… Continue reading