Author Archives: Herm
About Herm
Worlds Built CheapNotes on Susan Sonntag's Notes on Camp (recursive enough?)
"I am a great fan of irony and satire and if I could understand her argument there, I might oppose it." Continue reading
Gooey puppy
Vegan nummies and RSPCA talk. Continue reading
Tweeting a painting
Giant tiny kitty Continue reading
Brother Mine (pun intended)
A happy little tale about monks and collapsed buildings. Continue reading
And still it continues.
The continuing adventures of Dork Boy and Panty. Continue reading
The king of the stick
Some dark-lords-in-training just can't seem to catch a break. Continue reading
Reptile on Rails, or Shell Access, or Tetsudo Make Me a Sandwich
"Back then they had 'dog tickets', but did you need to get one for a tortoise, he asked the conductor?" Continue reading
Young Swiffy and canine
Hell yes there's more. Continue reading
More dreadful doggish doings
The hellhound adoption saga continues with Suitov helpfully pointing out all the apparent plot holes so far. Continue reading
Some wench stealing my ideas. ;)
Because all Real Authors steal stuff off random unpublished amateurs on the internet. This is known. Continue reading
One of the regular commenters on Platitude for the Day has got me into clerihews. Continue reading
Devil Dog: Hound of Hell
is a very silly film with a very good doggie in it. Continue reading
And I wrote something.
Another Twine Wars prequel, what I am mostly calling Baine's Resignation. Continue reading
Free the Zenda Cannon Girls!11!
I think I have the complete Canon as radio plays now. Continue reading
Attempt at a Weft in profile
He is not a kitty. Continue reading
Picture for Vespurs
Because We have decreed that he doth need one. Continue reading