Category Archives: creative
*blows dust out of keyboard*
Its bristled, wet protuberance squirted a puff of foetid air into my ear. Continue reading
Poem: Dissection
If we just hack our way through the outer meaning. Continue reading
Riddles are shiny.
(Reposting this old piece so I can more easily find it. One line tweaked to make it generic.) I found a fragrant pebble; When I smelt it, out he came. He turns quite green with envy If left out in … Continue reading
So this is, um, Mayflower the (real) Shetland pony using her ultimate attack. Continue reading
Godmoders and Fun (feat. back-and-forth with David from @OngoingWorlds)
Of course you can be a good writer and also have the powergaming flaw, just like you can be a nice person but incredibly obnoxious in company. Continue reading
On writing/RP, sexual subtext and pairings.
My Hobby: Wryly smirking at people's obsession with homoromantic subtext, while writing three major male characters who are exceptionally guilty of it. Continue reading
Lax morality! Faithless rakes! The continuing adventures of Geek Boy and Waggypants!
In which (three short updates) we see a little glimpse of Young Suitov's values. Wait, he has what now? Continue reading
Not everyone likes the summer… especially not Winter Lords.
"You look ill, Rige." "Really? Where does it show?" asked Lord Suitov of Applestone, who was apparently undecided about whether or not to throw up. Continue reading
Contest! (involves kitty and doggerel)
What colour is the cat who writes this complaint, AND WHY? Continue reading
A writerly exercise: "How could you get me so damn wrong?"
An important step in making sure you have a rounded character instead of a Mary Sue, or so I've read, is making sure your little puppet is not omniscient, isn't correct about everything and is sometimes pretty failtastic at telling important information from unimportant. Continue reading
Bedtime story
"Oh, all right then. One story." Continue reading
*does the pirate dance*
Alluring Swiper realised now that attacking an entire crew of pirates had been somewhat ambitious. Continue reading
Cat Piano
The Cat Piano, an animated noir beat poem. Continue reading
Artwork post: Tim O'Brien (trains, tetrapods and unbridled horror)
I found a really nifty artist's site. With tetrapods. Continue reading
The continuing adventures of Dork Boy and Spaceman Sniff
And, lots of lovely murder! Continue reading
Dork Boy and Spaceman Sniff in their continuing adventures
"And don't try telling me she's suddenly discovered her maternal side, 'cause she hasn't got one." Continue reading
Are you playing Smokescreen?
Here's an example of online storytelling that is wonderful (and has a powerful message or three). Continue reading