Category Archives: creative
#11, Railing
Railing A fence, my sweet!—why, what's a fence?— a mere eight feet of paling wood. It's nothing but—you smell so good— a minor inconvenience— I've bested worse. The other day I beat a pit bull and his four, no, seven … Continue reading
#9, Old Book and #10, Mountainbank
Catching up with my backlog on the poem-a-week project. Continue reading
#8, Tactical Cat-tricks
And why my muse wants to kill me. Continue reading
#7, "Something Lacking"
Silly wordiness in interlinked rubaiyat and amphibrachic tetrameter. Continue reading
#6, The Jolly Pirate Ship
Yes, it's a fictitious song not a poem. Continue reading
#5, "Suppliant's Elegy"
This week's poem was an all-nighter — and all-dayer! Epiiiic. Continue reading
#4, "Manoeuvres"
An ode to a dear friend of mine. Which friend will quickly become apparent from the subject matter. Continue reading
#3, "I can sympathise, really. You're tiny and frail"
Weekly poem #3, "I can sympathise, really. You're tiny and frail" Continue reading
Let's see how long I can keep this up!
First poem of the new year. Continue reading
Basaltine reference pictures
I collect a few reference photos from across the web. Continue reading
Monster kitten bitchfight post!
Roleplaying excerpt! I'm so buzzed to have got this thing finished at last. Continue reading
Character meme v2
More questions! Because I can't shut up about my characters, even when it's two or more hours after I intended to go to bed! Continue reading
Writing meme: of ice cream and knackers
An 'interview with the writing characters' meme. Monk bitchiness! Foul-mouthed orc! Shock goat revelations! Continue reading
Monkey: Journey to the West
I did go along to Monkey: Journey to the West, having managed to score a single ticket from someone working in the building, and it was pretty good. I'm bad at conveying enthusiasm, but it was definitely a spectacle – … Continue reading
Writer's block poetriez!
An old sonnet-thing I rediscovered. Continue reading
The Tadpoles of Retard Island!
A nice story about Cicely. Continue reading
Avatard backgrounds
Cicely and Jextus 4 evar, yo! Continue reading