Category Archives: media
The scummy world of tv, radio, newspapers, advertising, journalism…
The BEST new telly format EVER enGENDERED.
It shall be called… Last Trans Standing. Continue reading
Mythology Engine: a data-driven site all about stories.
I've been eager for more news about this proof-of-concept project, now called the Mythology Engine, because I'm enchanted by the idea behind it. Continue reading
Ninja Assassin
All right you guys. Ninja Assassin is the BEST FILM EVER. We were laughing so hard throughout. It's wonderful, really, all cheesy plot and plentiful OTT violence and gore. And of course it reminded me strongly of Weft's upbringing, except … Continue reading
Cat Piano
The Cat Piano, an animated noir beat poem. Continue reading
Notes on Susan Sonntag's Notes on Camp (recursive enough?)
"I am a great fan of irony and satire and if I could understand her argument there, I might oppose it." Continue reading
Devil Dog: Hound of Hell
is a very silly film with a very good doggie in it. Continue reading
Red Dragon film review
It's a horror/thriller with investigative aspects and I found it surprisingly good plot-wise. Continue reading
Northern Lights (Golden Compass) film
Excoriation, with spoilers. Continue reading