Category Archives: personal
The BEST new telly format EVER enGENDERED.
It shall be called… Last Trans Standing. Continue reading
Godmoders and Fun (feat. back-and-forth with David from @OngoingWorlds)
Of course you can be a good writer and also have the powergaming flaw, just like you can be a nice person but incredibly obnoxious in company. Continue reading
On writing/RP, sexual subtext and pairings.
My Hobby: Wryly smirking at people's obsession with homoromantic subtext, while writing three major male characters who are exceptionally guilty of it. Continue reading
Notes on Susan Sonntag's Notes on Camp (recursive enough?)
"I am a great fan of irony and satire and if I could understand her argument there, I might oppose it." Continue reading
Finished. *collapses*
SMALL version of dad's birthday picture. The full thing is A4 sized at 300dpi, so absolutely massive on a screen. Finished and sent to him at 23:58 last night, so still technically his birthday… Right, he's seen it now so … Continue reading
Change your name by deed poll for free
A site lets you change your name (by UK law) by printing out the necessary legal wording yourself. Continue reading
#7, "Something Lacking"
Silly wordiness in interlinked rubaiyat and amphibrachic tetrameter. Continue reading