Category Archives: poetry
Poem: Dissection
If we just hack our way through the outer meaning. Continue reading
Riddles are shiny.
(Reposting this old piece so I can more easily find it. One line tweaked to make it generic.) I found a fragrant pebble; When I smelt it, out he came. He turns quite green with envy If left out in … Continue reading
Contest! (involves kitty and doggerel)
What colour is the cat who writes this complaint, AND WHY? Continue reading
One of the regular commenters on Platitude for the Day has got me into clerihews. Continue reading
#26, Pub Crawl RSVP
Someone in Religion sent around a blank-verse invitation to come pub crawling for his leaving do… Continue reading
#25, Riddle 4
a headless scarecrow-frame; Continue reading
#24, Riddle 3
Again, a rhyming 'clue' written for a roleplay board. Continue reading
Random stuff and #23, Country Road Meeting
Since I'm awake anyway, a poem. Continue reading
#22, Easy Riddle 2
A-standing on my tippy-toes, Continue reading
#21, Easy Riddle 1
Shiny and brown in the face, Continue reading
#17, I Want a Dog
A poem about how I… well, honestly, the title pretty much covers it. Continue reading
#16, Invinzibility
A poem written for "Vinzin" on the Jack art exchange board, about his character. Continue reading
#15, Frequently Barked Questions
A poem about a Baskerville. Written for work's newsletter. Continue reading
(not counted) Haiku
It's about something vile. Continue reading
#14, Rescue
A poem about a rescue that needs rescuing itself. Continue reading
#13, Flock
A silly poem about… well, you'll see. Continue reading
#11, Railing
Railing A fence, my sweet!—why, what's a fence?— a mere eight feet of paling wood. It's nothing but—you smell so good— a minor inconvenience— I've bested worse. The other day I beat a pit bull and his four, no, seven … Continue reading