#16, Invinzibility

Written for “Vinzin” on the Jack art exchange board, about his character.



You wonder why I think before I speak,
and spend my moments staring at the sky
across the park or hanging by the creek;
I’m really not an extroverted guy…
My foxy eyes are seeking out a ledge,
a rail, a handhold, routes from there to here.
You wonder why I walk so near the edge?
I ever tell you how I lost this ear?
I’m plotting out the most efficient ways—
a forward flip, a roll to break my fall—
you wonder what I’m thinking while I gaze.
You cannot see the way. You see the wall.
I cannot stand restraint. I need to be:
I’m only Vinzin when I’m running free.

(Spot the evil parkour pun.)

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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