#5, "Suppliant's Elegy"

And to think I’d expected a short snappy funny thing about vampires or something.

Go right here to read it. Spoilers may follow in this entry, especially in comments.

Well, staying up all night writing poetry and crying are two new ones on me, but there we go. An Experience. Quite a surreal one, too, because they weren’t my tears.

This thing took me all last night and all of today to write. I did only get home at 21:something yesterday, mind (film didn’t show; they faffed around then gave out refunds). The idea had been growing in my head throughout the tram ride home, and by then it was clear that this was what Wanted To Be Written. Indeed, it was clear that it would be written Right Now or nothing else would.

It was 03:00 when Slen tells me I finally went to sleep, and I was up at 10:00 continuing. It’s now gone 21:00, I’ve just posted it, and apart from a break to clear my head, I’ve been niggling painfully at this all the time. A night and a day. EPIC, MAN.

Would have gone faster if I’d had access to Thesaurus.com and Rhyme Zone. I was worried I was getting too reliant on those anyway…

The writing skill(?) is mine, the emotion was all courtesy of the narrating character. The narrating character will not answer any questions about this, though, so please direct (gentle) feedback to me.

I’m aware that “those” and “burnt” can be nitpicked, but the former is right for the character and the latter was bolstering rather an important line, so tough.

The title is half a nod to WS Gilbert (down to the waist). As for the other half, I knew an elegy was a mourning poem (or rather, knew there was a word and bashed Google and Wikipedia to find it). I’d never heard of elegaic meter before. I might try that sometime. Sounds hard.

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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