Reptile on Rails, or Shell Access, or Tetsudo Make Me a Sandwich

From someone on Yammer, source unknown:

[Freeman Dyson] took his tortoise on the train many years ago. Back then they had ‘dog tickets’, but did you need to get one for a tortoise, he asked the conductor? The priceless reply: “cats is dogs, rabbits is dogs but tortoises is insects and travel free according.”

I suspect this will amuse Anke, who thought my fictional religious order that classifies snakes as fish but lizards as rats was odd… ;)

I desperately want a tortoise… or a dog. OR! Both. I reason that I could set a jaguar on them to try to knock them into the river, and then they’d morph into pangolins. (Source for this unimpeachable logic.)

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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