Writer's block poetriez!

Omfd I just rediscovered something. Poetriez!

I’d lief propose a vote of thanks from all
The authors, pets and characters combined.
And where do I intend this praise to fall? –
Upon sweet Writer’s Block, so oft maligned.
Fair vacuum! Respite! Inspiration’s drought!
I beg of you to tarry one night more;
Indulge those souls who find relief devout
In author-types who cannot write or draw.
Poor wretches, fair of face or meek of heart:
An author’s brain-death is their only rest
From mages, angels, jibes and so-called ‘art’
Depicting them undignifiedly dressed.
Most noble, graceful, worthy deity:
I beg you, stop these writers’ cruelty.

by An Anonymous Character of Mutt’s

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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