A boss from James Pond 3: Kentucky Fried Fiend

Cut for large-ish graphics. Snog, I am instructed to beg you not to let Sebastian see these.

Kentucky Fried Fiend, part 1 (James Pond III)

It’s a hen, laying eggs that hatch into explosive chicks.

Kentucky Fried Fiend, part 2 (James Pond III)

Trick the poultry into falling into the bubbling vat… (Yes, those are fried eggs and a teacup plant. Did I mention this game is fantastic?)

Kentucky Fried Fiend, part 3 (James Pond III)

…and she’ll rise again. She isn’t very happy.

Kentucky Fried Fiend, part 4 (James Pond III)

And to top it all off, she has a deadly flame attack.

I can’t recommend this game and its older relative highly enough. That’s James Pond 2: Robocod and James Pond 3: Operation Starfish, both by EA.

About Herm

Worlds Built Cheap
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