‘Tivo may appreciate this…
This makes no sense out of context, but hey, puns. Again, a rhyming ‘clue’ written for a roleplay board: this one refers to some things that have been lurking in the background all the while.
Riddle 2008:3, 9 Nov
The beast is dead; long live the beast!
Your quest moves on a-canter
But hark, what things are stalling here
Attending to your banter?
We blow no horn; we sound no bell;
We’re neatly groomed and stable,
All creme except one à Palouse –
Now find him, if you’re able.
The servants in this scene are all wearing horse masks. One of them, as one of the characters noticed much earlier, has a black spot painted on him.
Hmmm. If I make it to half my 52-poem target for the year I’ll be quite satisfied.