(Drafted before I posted the prev entry, delayed until I was sure the recipient had seen the picture.)
Eye candy first! Here is Mai (800×600, 63Kb)
Not much to say about this one. I wasn’t kidding when I remarked to Ree that she’s about the only person in the world for whom I would possibly consent to draw a Japanese1 World of Darkness2 catgirl3…
I’m still getting used to the new admin interface in WP 2.7. The “write post” screen feels more cramped in its default-ish layout, but I’m already loving being able to hide such things as the useless ‘post slug’ field (I just use numbers; I hate wordy URLs. They smack of shameless SEO and are untidy), and to drag my less-used options somewhere out of the way.
I think I’ll rearrange it further to get it down to two columns, so I’ll have a bigger text entry field. The “Media” field is calling me to take a look into its eyes post stupid audio or video entries. Maybe…
edit: Hang on. I’m mighty angry that wpuntexturize has disappeared. I loathe WP’s auto curly quote behaviour, and the only replacement I’ve found that works requires you to add a custom field to every post. I’ll try reinstalling wpuntexturize and see if it works… (edit2: Seems to, after I edited it manually to add ellipsis to its array of things to un-replace. Why they don’t let you turn the loathesome texturize behaviour off in the first place is a mystery to me. WordPress fail.)
1 (Note for new readers and silly literalists: I don’t really have a beef with Japan or the Japanese. I know next to nothing about Japan – except, naturally, for a good bit about Shinto and Buddhism, which goes with the job. No, my beef is with the good people of Wapan… who also know pretty little about the Japanese, but that doesn’t stop them.)
2 (Another note for new readers: I definitely do, however, have a beef with White Wolf. GTFO of my mythology.)