Injokes. A lot of them.

Theirs was a forbidden, geeky and entirely illogical friendship. (wide-ish pic behind cut)

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Writing joy

I’m generally overjoyed when people want to play with me at Pro, but this weekend was something else again. I got to plot with two of my favourite people in the whole world, one of whom I don’t get to talk to very often. (Well, I don’t see either of them as often as I’d like.)

Know the feeling when you’re getting tons of stuff done, you’re all in tune to the extent that you’re anticipating each other’s thoughts, and it’s all just incredible amounts of fun?

When I’m happy I like to let everyone know about it, real and denizens of my headspace alike.

Here’s the storyline we’re working out.

You know what else? My cowriters have been reading our encyclopaedia! Isn’t that fab? (It still makes me excited when I mention “by the way, goblins eat lying down” and people go “I know”.)

Over the weekend my brother and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. It was pretty high quality all the way through and lots of fun – you could tell they had fun writing and making those action scenes, too. I was in awe of the CGI and design on many of the characters. Hmm – Disney’s logo at the beginning wasn’t bad either. Showoffs.

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I love myself and I love my life! I just hacked the software for my beloved board to add a new component, “legal.cgi” (which displays our legal and copyright rules), with a proper template and everything. Er, it sounds trivial, but you’ll have to take my word that it was trickier than I make it seem.

The main advantage is that it’s not quite a flat .html file any more – the script will insert the dynamic page top and bottom code without my having to change the file manually. AND AND AND, the legal template is listed and editable in the Appearance Manager list in the admin program without my having to do anything special! I love Discus. It’s organised like it ought to be.

Coding things and making them work gives me a sense of power. And cobbling things together with no knowledge of Perl or of Discus’s architecture, and making them work, makes me a very very happy gender-confused individual.

By way of celebration, I’ve just hacked this WordPress theme to make the date and time display properly.

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