Category Archives: writing
#15, Frequently Barked Questions
A poem about a Baskerville. Written for work's newsletter. Continue reading
Saunders-Roe Princess
The Saunders-Roe Princess was a British flying boat aircraft. Look, pictures and video. Continue reading
(not counted) Haiku
It's about something vile. Continue reading
Mews word cloud!
I put my book Mews into a word-cloud generator. Continue reading
#14, Rescue
A poem about a rescue that needs rescuing itself. Continue reading
#13, Flock
A silly poem about… well, you'll see. Continue reading
#11, Railing
Railing A fence, my sweet!—why, what's a fence?— a mere eight feet of paling wood. It's nothing but—you smell so good— a minor inconvenience— I've bested worse. The other day I beat a pit bull and his four, no, seven … Continue reading
#9, Old Book and #10, Mountainbank
Catching up with my backlog on the poem-a-week project. Continue reading
#8, Tactical Cat-tricks
And why my muse wants to kill me. Continue reading
#7, "Something Lacking"
Silly wordiness in interlinked rubaiyat and amphibrachic tetrameter. Continue reading
#6, The Jolly Pirate Ship
Yes, it's a fictitious song not a poem. Continue reading
#5, "Suppliant's Elegy"
This week's poem was an all-nighter — and all-dayer! Epiiiic. Continue reading
#4, "Manoeuvres"
An ode to a dear friend of mine. Which friend will quickly become apparent from the subject matter. Continue reading
#3, "I can sympathise, really. You're tiny and frail"
Weekly poem #3, "I can sympathise, really. You're tiny and frail" Continue reading
Let's see how long I can keep this up!
First poem of the new year. Continue reading
Basaltine reference pictures
I collect a few reference photos from across the web. Continue reading
Monster kitten bitchfight post!
Roleplaying excerpt! I'm so buzzed to have got this thing finished at last. Continue reading